Awards and Recognition​

Awards and Recognition​


Message: Due to the nature of the Catholic Christian music awards, the songs in the categories must include compositions with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.

Music: It is the set of musical notes and instruments that are mixed together with harmony, symphony and rhythm with creativity, technical excellence and cultural relevance.

Official languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian


Definition: An album (or record) is a collection of songs promoting messages (they must include compositions with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values), new recorded in a studio or recording system and released publicly, and also ensures the recognition of outstanding contributions to new Catholic music.


  1. At least 51% playing time with new material.
  2. Minimum of five (5) different “ Tracks ” recordings and 15 minutes in length.
  3. Songs must have at least 60% lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  4. Associate producers, executive producers, reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is awarded to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the representative of the group).
  2. Certificates for songwriters, producer(s), engineer(s) and mixer(s) responsible for at least 33% of playback time.

Definition: Awarded to a female singer whose vocal performance stands out in songs that promote messages (must include compositions with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as spirituality and values). This category covers a variety of musical genres that are included in the categories of this award.


  1. The singer must have released new material during the eligibility period.
  2. The album or single must contain at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. Has demonstrated vocal and artistic excellence


  1. The statuette is given to the female singer for her outstanding vocal performance.
  2. Certificates are awarded to songwriters, producers, recording engineers and mixers who have significantly contributed to the recording.

Definition: Awarded to a male singer whose vocal performance stands out in promoting messages (must include compositions with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values). This category covers a variety of musical styles that are mentioned in this award.


  1. The singer must have released new material during the eligibility period.
  2. The album or single must contain at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. Has demonstrated vocal and artistic excellence


  1. The statuette is given to the male singer for his outstanding vocal performance.
  2. Certificates are awarded to songwriters, producers, recording engineers and mixers who have significantly contributed to the recording.

Definition: A singer, duo or group that has not released more than 3 singles in their career in the last 3 years and has not already established a significant presence in the Catholic music industry, and their vocal performance stands out in the promotion of messages (they must include compositions with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values). This category covers a variety of musical styles that are mentioned in this award.


  1. A minimum of three (3) singles or one (1) album released during the eligibility period is required.
  2. Albums must have at least five (5) different songs and a total playing time of at least 15 minutes.
  3. Songs must have at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for songwriters, producer(s), engineer(s), mixer(s), mastering engineer(s) and composer(s) responsible for at least 33% of playback time.

 Not eligible:

  1. Orchestras or choirs.
  2. Albums with less than five (5) tracks.


It is a song of praise, blessing, thanksgiving and supplication united to Christ, it can be for each of the seven Sacraments of the Church, which interpret the authentic meaning of the rite, the sensus The music of the rite is a direct and direct connection between the rite, making it comprehensible and thus allowing and leading to involvement and “active participation”. There must be a direct relationship between rite and music, they must be integrated and interpenetrated mutually and necessarily. Only in this way can music be considered and become a “necessary and integral part” of the liturgy. The most appropriate sound is born from the rite and is directly related to what is being celebrated; and as rites are many and of different natures, so too will musical expressions be diversified in order to exalt the ritual content. The correspondence between the ritual content and the sign that evidences it (the music) constitutes what is called “liturgical functionality” or “ liturgicity ”. Consequently, music is “functional” when it is exactly suited to the meaning of the rite, faithfully translating and interpreting it. Liturgical music, therefore, needs to have characteristics that include the sensus Ecclesiae and the sensus Liturgiae.


  1. A minimum of 1 single is required
  2. The songs should reflect approved liturgical prayers, not invented texts.
  3. Songs must have at least 60% of lyrics in official languages in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for songwriters, producer(s), engineer(s), mixer(s), mastering engineer(s) and composer(s) responsible for at least 33% of playback time.

Definition: The song of praise is that which is used either to accompany the liturgy of the hours, with hymns and/or psalms of its own, or the written prayers inspired by the saints, or readings from the Fathers of the Church, this helps to awaken the personal spiritual life and that of the People of God, and motivates divine praise united to the Lord, including prayers of the faithful and also for special reasons.


  1. A minimum of 1 single released during the eligibility period is required.
  2. Songs must have at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producer(s), engineer(s), mixer(s), mastering engineer(s) and composer(s)

Definition: This song is an expression to begin a process of following to spread the message of Jesus Christ, there must be a focal point in presenting Jesus to various human groups, who know him timidly or who do not know him directly.


  1. A minimum of 1 single released during the eligibility period is required.
  2. Songs must have at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producer(s), engineer(s), mixer(s), mastering engineer(s) and responsible composer(s)

Definition: Hyperdulia (special veneration of the Blessed Virgin Mary) leads us to recognize her life as the first believer in Jesus and to accept that she is the Mother of Jesus, the Son of the Living God. For this reason, she is given a special cult with admiration. Veneration, admiration, respect, honor. Cult is not adoration but reverence. To venerate is to respect to the highest degree, to worship our Mother Mary.

The Christian Catholic worships only God and venerates the Blessed Virgin Mary, also through music. It is a song inspired by the Holy Scriptures and the tradition of the Church. It can be used to set existing writings and poems to music, or to create them yourself, while maintaining sound Catholic doctrine on Mariology.


  1. A minimum of 1 single released during the eligibility period is required.
  2. Songs must have at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producer(s), engineer(s), mixer(s), mastering engineer(s) and composer(s)

Definition: This song has the art of transmitting the deepest Christian faith. It is inspired by the truths of the Faith, collected mainly in the Holy Scriptures, in the Creed, in the Catechism of the Catholic Church, in the Tradition and Magisterium of the Church, and they accompany the process of the broader and deeper growth of Christianity.


  1. A minimum of 1 single released during the eligibility period is required.
  2. Songs must have at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is awarded to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is awarded. (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producer(s), engineer(s), mixer(s), mastering engineer(s) and composer(s)

Definition: Choral singing helps us to evangelize and feel evangelized through the songs of the Church’s Liturgy by means of music. Its specific objective is to participate in Sunday Eucharists, solemnities, and all other Eucharistic celebrations.


  1. A minimum of 1 single released during the eligibility period is required.
  2. Songs must have at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian


  1. The statuette is given to the group’s representative.
  2. Certificates for songwriters, producer(s), engineer(s), mixer(s), mastering engineer(s) and composer(s) responsible for at least 33% of playback time.

Definition: Recognizes and includes songs where a significant part of the instrumentation is composed of traditional pop instruments including acoustic instruments (guitars, pianos, percussion) and/or electric instruments (synthesizers, guitar, electronic drums, etc.) and the main focus is on vocal performances that convey messages. The lyrics of the songs are inspiring content, they must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.


  1. The singer must have released new material during the eligibility period
  2. Sixty percent (60%) of letters must be in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. The material presented must promote messages with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).

Certificates to composers, producers, recording engineers and mixers who have contributed significantly to the recording.

Definition: It is one that recognizes songs that combine the rhythmic and melodic richness of tropical music with messages. The lyrics of the songs are content that inspires, must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values., through these vibrant musical styles., regardless of its basic musical influences, it is characterized by its ability to promote messages of faith and spirituality through tropical rhythms and styles.

This category includes genres such as salsa, merengue, vallenato, cumbia, bachata and other Caribbean styles, which use traditional instruments such as timbales, congas, bongos, trumpets, and other instruments typical of tropical music.


  1. The song must contain at least 51% of the playing time with material recorded during the eligibility period
  2. It must be at least 3 minutes long.
  3. Sixty percent (60%) of letters must be in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  4. The material presented must promote messages with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.
  5. The song must be composed of rhythms and instrumentation characteristic of tropical music, ensuring that the style remains true to its roots while conveying its message of faith.
  6. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to solo singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Winner certificates to songwriters, producers, recording engineers and mixers who have significantly contributed to the recording.

Definition: Awarded to a group (band) or duo that demonstrates mastery of melody, harmonic precision, timing, and dynamics of interpretation. The vocal performance must highlight the promotion of messages; the lyrics of the songs are inspiring content and must include and promote Christian motivations such as spirituality and values. This category covers the musical genres included in this award.


  1. The Group (Band) or Duo must have released new material during the eligibility period.
  2. The album or single must contain at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. The material presented must promote messages with lyrics that inspire and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette goes to the representative of the Group (Band) or Duo.

Certificates to producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers who have contributed significantly to the recording.

Definition: It is a set of words interpreted by the human voice whose phrasing, rhythm, melody and accompaniment (arrangement and/or programming) have a musical nature typical of the urban genre (Reggaeton, R&B, Dancehall, Afrobeat, etc.). The vocal interpretation must highlight the promotion of messages; the lyrics of the songs are content that inspires, must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.


  1. The song must have been released during the eligibility period.
  2. It must contain at least 60% of letters in the official languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. The material presented must promote messages of faith, spirituality and Catholic values.
  4. Not eligible: Instrumental recordings or songs that are “ covers ”, remixes and interpolation/sampling recordings.
  5. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates to producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers who have contributed significantly to the recording.

Definition: A song that interprets themes that touch life deeply, with its respective ups and downs, also generating active hope. They can be commonly accompanied by musical instruments typical of the genre such as electric guitars, drums, keyboards and electric bass.


  1. The song must be new and released during the eligibility period.
  2. It must contain at least 60% of letters in the official languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. The material presented must promote messages with inspiring lyrics, and must include and promote Christian motivations such as spirituality and values.
  4. Not eligible: Instrumental recordings or songs that are “ covers ”, remixes and interpolation/sampling recordings.
  5. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).

Certificates for composers, producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers responsible for recording

Definition: It is a work or set of words, poems and unpublished melodies with coherent movements that generate a unique experience of beauty. The lyrics and melody must highlight the promotion of messages that inspire, they must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.


  1. The song must have been released during the eligibility period.
  2. It must contain at least 60% of letters in Spanish.
  3. Not eligible: Instrumental recordings or songs that are “cover”, remixes or interpolation/sampling recordings.
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).

Certificates for composers, producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers responsible for recording

Definition: It is a work or set of words, poems and unpublished melodies with coherent movements that generate a unique experience of beauty. The lyrics and melody must highlight the promotion of messages that inspire, they must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.


  1. The song must have been released during the eligibility period.
  2. It must contain at least 60% of letters in Portuguese.
  3. Not eligible: Instrumental recordings or songs that are “ cover ”, remixes or interpolation/sampling recordings.
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers responsible for recording.

Definition: It is a work or set of words, poems and unpublished melodies with coherent movements that generate a unique experience of beauty. The lyrics and melody must highlight the promotion of messages that inspire, they must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.


  1. The song must have been released during the eligibility period.
  2. It must contain at least 60% of letters in French.
  3. Not eligible: Instrumental recordings or songs that are “ cover ”, remixes or interpolation/sampling recordings.
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers responsible for recording

Definition: It is a work or set of words, poems and unpublished melodies with coherent movements that generate a unique experience of beauty. The lyrics and melody must highlight the promotion of messages that inspire, they must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.


  1. The song must have been released during the eligibility period.
  2. It must contain at least 60% of letters in Italian.
  3. Not eligible: Instrumental recordings or songs that are “ cover ”, remixes or interpolation/sampling recordings.
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers responsible for recording

Definition: For a work or set of unpublished words, poems and melodies with coherent movements that generate a unique experience of beauty. The lyrics and melody must highlight the promotion of inspiring messages, and must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.


  1. The song must have been released during the eligibility period.
  2. It must contain at least 60% of letters English.
  3. Not eligible: Instrumental recordings or songs that are “ cover ”, remixes or interpolation/sampling recordings.
  4. Reissues, compilations of older recordings and “Best Of” packages are not eligible.


  1. The statuette is given to singers, for duos or groups 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Certificates for composers, producers, recording engineers, mixers and masterers responsible for recording

Definition: Recognizes the work of the professionals behind the recording, mixing and mastering of music, noted for their musical and technical excellence, including arrangement, performance, recording, mixing and mastering. This category recognizes the work of producers, recording engineers and mixers who have contributed significantly to the creation of an album or single.


  1. The production must have been published during the eligibility period.
  2. The album or single must contain at least 60% of lyrics in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian
  3. The album must contain at least five (5) tracks and be at least 15 minutes long, or a single that is at least three (3) minutes long.
  4. The production must stand out for its technical quality in terms of recording, mixing and mastering.
  5. Likewise for the beauty of its arrangements and/or execution.


  1. The statuette is awarded to the producer(s), recording engineer(s) and mixer(s) responsible for the production of the album or single.

Certificate to mastering engineers who have contributed significantly to the production

Definition :

  1. Recording Engineer: A technically knowledgeable person responsible for operating recording systems to best capture the artistic objectives required by the production.
  2. Mixing Engineer: A person with technical knowledge, responsible for the operation of mixing systems, in order to obtain a master (final mix) from a multi-channel recording and meeting the artistic objectives required by the production.
  3. Mastering Engineer: A technically knowledgeable person responsible for the operation of mastering systems in order to generate the phonograms that make up the master of a production from the final mixes optimized for the different playback formats.


  1. For albums or singles released during the eligibility period.
  2. Engineers credited as “Assistant”, “Additional”, “Second Engineer”, etc. , are not eligible.


 Statuette is given to the recording engineer(s)

  1. Statuette is awarded to accredited mixing engineer(s) with at least 33% of the album
  2. The statuette is awarded to mastering engineer(s ) credited with at least 51% of the album.

Definition: A music video or video clip is an audiovisual production made primarily for broadcast on video, television, through websites and social networks, which offers a visual representation or interpretation of a song or musical theme, the lyrics and melody must highlight the promotion of messages, the lyrics of the songs are inspiring content, they must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values. If it has been recorded in film format, it is also considered a music video.



  1. The video must have been posted during the eligibility period.
  2. The song included in the video must have been released during the eligibility period.
  3. It must be a combination or mix that includes music, creative verbal language and image (photography and other visual representations, still and moving, and graphic notations).
  4. May or may not include visual and electronic effects
  5. The video must add visual richness to its dissemination of the promotion of the message. The lyrics of the songs are content that inspires, must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values., that is, create a specific language and aesthetics , with recognizable style marks, based on the relationship between image, sound and lyrics aimed at reinforcing the message. The lyrics of the songs are content that inspires, must include and promote Christian motivations such as: spirituality and values.
  6. There may be other audiovisual materials: noise, silence and dialogues
  7. It must contain at least 60% of letters in the official languages: Spanish, English, French, Portuguese or Italian



  1. The statuette is given to the general producer, singers, for duo or group 1 statuette is given (To the group representative).
  2. Special certificates for the Director (s), Art Director(s), Screenwriter(s), Camera, Lighting and Crew Operator(s), Sound Engineer(s) and Editor(s)

Definition: It is awarded to people who are part of the clergy and institutions that during the eligibility period have stood out for encouraging, supporting, participating in and promoting the dissemination of Catholic Christian music of one or more songs, duos and/or groups.

  1. Recognition of Archbishop or Bishop.
  2. Recognition of Priest or Religious.
  3. Recognition to Religious.
  4. Recognition of Congregation or Movement.
  5. Recognition to Company or Organization.


  1. Those chosen must be registered by singers, duos or groups in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian.
  2. They must submit testimonies, photographic evidence and/or videos.

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