Nomination Process and Winners

Nomination Process and Winners


Eligibility period: January 1st., 2020 – December 31st.  2024

Registration opens: November 1st., 2024

Closing date for registration: March 5th., 2025 (Ash Wednesday)

Jury members: They are trained people, with knowledge and experience in aspects of content, transmission of the Catholic Christian message, vocal technician, composition, audio/visual, creative, musical instruments, production, engineering, among others.

This process begins with the registration of songs and/or videos of Catholic Christian singers in Spanish, English, French, Portuguese and Italian in the categories defined for this First edition of the Catholic Music Awards. Each song and/or video will be reviewed by members of the jury in the aforementioned languages, who are responsible for confirming their eligibility and also the category, and if necessary, they will relocate the songs in the appropriate categories, informing to the participant. The names of the jury members will not be disclosed until the award ceremony.

When participants register their songs and/or videos, this does not mean that they will be immediately accepted and published, they will go through a review period. The jury members will accept or not each of the songs and videos, if accepted, the participants will be notified to continue the next stage of registering their songs and/or videos; finally, all those who have met the requirements, their songs and/or videos will be published on

If your song and/or video is not accepted, you will get the reason

The jury members in each of the official languages will have considerable time to personally and/or as a group evaluate each of the registered songs and videos, and provide the organizers, the nominees to be announced on Tuesday , June 10th., 2025, and finally, on July 28th. and 29th., 2025, the First Edition of the Catholic Music Awards will be presented and the winners will be announced.


Catholic Christian singers submit their songs and videos published or released during the eligibility period that they consider worthy of recognition for a Catholic Music Awards. Each singer will have his/her profile and can submit all the songs and/or videos of his/her to participate in the contest, taking into account that each one of them is totally independent.

In the case of duos and groups, they must define a person who represents them.


The singers will provide links to their songs and/or videos from different music and video platforms in their profiles.


To ensure that the submitted recordings meet the specified conditions and have been placed in the appropriate categories, the organizers convene review sessions involving experts in the different genres. The purpose of this review is not to judge the artistic or technical value, but to certify that each submitted recording is eligible and placed in the appropriate category.

Nomination Committees

The members of the Catholic Music Awards jury:

  1. They are divided by languages:
    • Jury Member Group for Spanish ,
    • Jury Member Group for English ,
    • Jury Member Group for Portuguese ,
    • Jury Member Group for French
    • Jury Member Group for Italian ,
    • Jury Member Group for best production.
    • Jury member group for best engineering.
  2. In these groups, each one has people trained and expert in the aspects to be qualified.


  1. The members of the jury:
    • They will analyze in detail the songs and videos received, according to their professional experience in the area that corresponds to them.
    • They will give evaluation points and determine:
      • The three nominees for each category will be published on Tuesday, June 10th., 2025.
      • The final vote that determines the winners of the Catholic Music Awards in each of the categories.
  1. This nomination process is not public and jury members cannot report their decisions and votes, which will be kept confidential and secret.

Final Vote

Prior to the official events to announce the winners of the First Edition of the Catholic Music Awards, the jury members will certify the results of the winners, maintaining the confidentiality of these results and will be issued by the jury members and published on Monday 28th. and Tuesday 29th. July 2025.

Any other point not considered in this section will be notified to the organizers to make the appropriate decision.

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Singers Registration